Dental Emergency

What is your Dental Emergency?

Everyone can experience different levels of tooth pain for the same problem.  But it is the pain that finally makes you want to come to the dentist in an emergency.  At Leichhardt Street Dental we embrace this opportunity to help you fix your problem and make the pain go away.  Dr Barbara Szylkarski with 23 years of dental experience is particularly experienced in pain diagnosis and management.  You have come to the right place to understand all the pros and cons of the various treatments that are possible to remove your dental pain. Our emergency dentist in Spring Hill Brisbane is also  suitable for anxious patients as we offer a number of ways to help you manage your fear of the dentist.

Diagnosis of the pain is the critical part of every emergency appointment.  Toothache and pain can arise from broken teeth, infected teeth particularly wisdom teeth, cavities in teeth and dead nerves in a tooth, to name just a few.  Sometimes pain can actually be unrelated to teeth, but feel like it is most certainly coming from a tooth – such as neuralgic facial pain and sinus pain.  Once diagnosis has occurred at this emergency dental appointment, it is  important to then discuss your treatment options.  It is very tempting to take the quickest option to relieve the pain.  We recommend numbing and removing the pain so you can make a clear informed decision about your dental treatment options.

You or your child may also have experienced dental trauma.  It is important you call us immediately should this occur.  If it is a complicated trauma, we have teamed with the Endodontic Group – specialist in trauma care.

Do you have Facial Swelling?

Facial swelling is an exceptional dental emergency.  You may have no pain with swelling, as the pressure of the swelling can numb the nerves of your face.  Our Brisbane Dentist will fit you in the same day, however if your facial swelling is significant we recommend you go immediately to an emergency hospital department.   There are both Private and Public hospitals in Brisbane offering emergency treatment. Facial swellings can be life threatening.  However, most wisdom teeth pain with mild facial swelling can be easily treated in the dental surgery.

Do you need an Emergency Dentist in Brisbane?

We hold appointments daily in order to manage your painful teeth in an emergency.   This enables us to have sufficient time to discuss all aspects of diagnosing and treating your dental emergency.  Please call as early as possible as these spots fill quickly.  It will also allow the remainder of the day following treatment for you to recover with out support, prior to the evening.  You can also book online.

If you are an existing patient of our practice, you have Dr Barbara Szylkarski’s private mobile number for any after hours emergencies, please call and leave a message and she will look after you.